Instance Analyze
Capture Snapshots to the analyze its processes. In one single instance, you can now analyze all the processes of a specific application.
Analyzing the applications by Capturing Snapshots of the applications.
Enter details on the next window.
You can also add an existing instance.
Click Analyze Button, and it will begin the Snapshot creation process.
Click on the Open Snapshot button to view the processes.
You can view all the test cases under scenarios in the left pane, whose graphical view can be seen in the middle section of the page.
The highlighted activity in the canvas consists of Reusable Components of the respective scenarios.
Second method to Analyze Instance can be viewed below.
Click on the Settings tab, present on the left panel.
Add an Instance against the respective ERP application on the next window.
Enter the details and click on Create.
From here, you need to follow the same steps to analyze a new Instance.
Opkey’s Test Discovery also provides you with the option to update the existing Instance. Click on the three dots, next to the created Instance.
You can update any details related to the Instance from here.
Automating the Instance
Click on Automate the selected test case with the automate button present on the canvas.
Automation in the process can be viewed below.
Click on Navigate to Test Button.
The processes can also be run through the Initiate run button present on the canvas next to Details.
When the test cases are analyzed you can view the details of the analyzed test cases in the right pane under different tabs. Let us view them one by one.
Under All tab, the Test Execution section provides details about the executed test cases on the specified date.
Below section is for Tickets
View the logged Tickets respective to the test case here.
Clicking on the arrow will redirect you to the page where you can view different categories of tickets. The available categories of tickets are:
In- progress
The last section mentions the Created Date of the Test Case.
The tab next is Data. Here, you’ll be able to view the steps of the analyzed processes.
You can further expand the test cases and view the steps.
The Activities tab will display the categories of the run performed on the test cases.
The config tab displays the key configurations.
The last tab is of Automation. View the coverage of the test cases and scenarios.